Dreamcatchers are meant to hang over our beds. It captures our
Dreams allowing only the good ones to filter through.
Forever holding the bad ones there,
Trapped in the woven web.
I made this page because a wonderful friend Tamera
Has made me a one of a kind Dreamcatcher.
I met Tamera through another dear Friend Katherine.
This dreamcatcher was made from beginning to end.
I am so Proud to display this Breathtaking Graphic
On my site.Not only has she made me the dreamcatcher but two
Wolf Graphics as well !!
Thank You so very much Tamera,I love it!
Below you will see the two Wolf Graphics she has made me.
I am touched beyond words....
This one is Priceless.....
That is why I saved it till the last.
Thank you Tamera for the Beautiful Graphics
That has been the creation of this page.
Most of all Thank You Katherine for introducing us.
Without you this would not of happened.
It is an Honor to call you both "Friend"
Katherine, aka Hair Dark writes poetry and has a very Beautiful site.
Please check out her site at
Tamera (Sammi) aka Muddy Britches has a kennel where she breeds
And raises Labs. She also has a Beautiful site. Have a tissue
In hand when visiting her site.It made me cry.
Please visit her site at
Thank You Marie for the use of your background.
It went perfect with the dreamcatcher *S*
The music playing is Dreams..